Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Letter Dated December 7, 1863, from J. B. O. "Neal" Barkley to George R. and Martin V. Barkley

This is a copy of a letter dated December 7, 1863, from J. B. O. "Neal" Barkley to George R. and Martin V. Barkley:

I transcribed the letter a few years ago. If fresh eyes read something a little differently that I did, I would appreciate hearing about it.

December 7th 1863
South Carolina Anderson District
Dear brothrs, I take this oppertunity of writing to you to let you know I am tolerble well hoping these lines may find you boath well when theay come to hand. I hant nothing new to write to you onely war newse and I recon you have moore nuse thn I can git but from all accounts Braggs armey is badly whiped and has fell back to Atlanta, Ga. The report is that Gen. Longstreet is defeated in Tennessee. If them reports be true I count us in a bad condition but not wors thin I was expecting for I have thought that we was ruined for a long time and now it is a plain case but we couldent expect nothing better from such treatment as we have met with all the time. The big men has no pitty on the poore soldiers and the treatment gits wors but I think it will soon stop for this war is coming to a close as fast as it can. I was sorry to heare of you a having to go on Sullivans Island but I hope that you will be pertected as well there as aney other place. The same pertecktion is on the island as was on the main land. I was sorry to dis a point you a bout not a goin to see you but maby all things turns out for the best. I wood a liked to a went and a brout your salt thrue but I hope it will come thrue. I want you to send your trunk home by the first that comes. I sent you a box by Corpl. King and I sent you 8 3/4 lbs. of lather. I want you to make your own out of it. Lather is a fetching from 5 to 8 dollars per lb. You put on price a nuff to hold your own on the lather.

(Pg. 2) I was sorry to heare that Capt. Bramlett was not promoted for I think it was his place to a bin Major, but tell Capt. Bramlett to still hold on to the captain's place for I wood rather hear of him a bin your captain thin to hear aney thing els. I want you to write to me how much salt E. V. Elrod is a sending with you and what it is in. I want you to write what the salt coste that you sent up in the box for Eliab got that and I got the letter I sent to you by Corpl. King and we want to know the price of the salt so we can settle. I was glad you had bout you another watch for I had rather have aney thing thin money it will by somthing but it is at a powerful price. Besure and send me all the lead and powder you can. I wood be glad you could come home in a few days for time at killing hogs and I wood be glad you could be hear to help us eat spear ribs and back bone. George, I think you could get better rations thin you did at Fort Cedar. All is quiet at head quarters armey of the watermilion. If I can git the lather you shal have your boots but lather is heard to git. The neighbors is in tolarble good health. I will have to come to a close. I still remain your brother till death. J. B. O. Barkley / G. R. Barkley, Martin V. Barkley / Write soon.

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