Thursday, April 21, 2011

Letter Dated October 31, 1862, from J. B. O. "Neal" Barkley to Josiah M. and Elizabeth Barkley

Here is a copy of a letter dated October 31, 1862, from J. B. O. "Neal" Barkley to Josiah M. and Elizabeth Barkley:

As with all the other letters, I transcribed this letter a few years ago to the best of my ability then. If fresh eyes see something I missed, please let me know.

Richmond, Va. Oct 31st 1862
Dear Father and Mother, I take the present oppurtinity of writing to you to let you know that I am improving in health but it is vary slow. I hope that thease lines will find you all well when theay come to hand. I hant got nothing vary new to write to you for I have bin heare so long at the hospitle that I doant git to see nothing. I think I will starte to the Regt in a few days. I wood a bin gown before this time but I heard that the army was a falling back and if the do I woant have to walk and if I meet with the luck not to have to march it will suit me vary well for I doant feel lik marching fair if I can help it. I see a little account in this morning paper of peace. I am in hopes that is true for I want this war to come to a close for it has caused trouble anuff. W. N. Watson hant got his furlough yeat but the dockter sais he shall have a furloug and as soon as he startes home I will starte to the Regt.

(Pg. 2) I heare that theay have got the small pox in the camp but I cant vouch for it but theay have it between heare and wheare the armery is and I will have to go by whare it is but I hant much afraid of the small pox but I had rather not be wheare the are. The weather is vary pritty and it hant bin coalder hear yeat thin I have felt at the same time a year in S.C. Some thinks that we will go back to Charleston or some wheare on the coast but I think it doubtfull but I had rather be on the cost thin to be heare. I wood like to be at home for I am tyred of camp life and wore out be sides but I think this war will close this winter. Give my best respects to Aunt Polly and to Eliab & to Loucindey and to all the neighbors & friends. I will write to you the day I leave to starte to the Regt. I will close for the present still remaneing your son till death, J. B. O. Barkley
Josiah M. Barkley
Elizabeth Barkley
Doant write till I write again.

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